The renovation project in Parappanangadi aimed to seamlessly blend traditional Kerala architecture with contemporary luxury, preserving the charm of the original design. Rooted in the rich tradition of Vasthu Shastra, the renovated house embraces the essence of a Nālukettu, a traditional homestead of a matrilineal family.

Respecting the spatial qualities, climatic responses, and traditional techniques, the design redefines the luxury of space while staying true to its original form. Large verandahs and a central courtyard pull the spaces close to nature, enhancing intimacy. The rearrangement and extension of the built space complete the Nālukettu structure, adding a long verandah for a heightened entry experience.

The main structure retains its original character, with dark interiors and wooden details to reduce heat intake. Modern construction technology and materials, such as steel roofs, seamlessly merge with traditional elements. The juxtaposition of dark and lit spatial qualities creates a harmonious blend of old and new.

While traditional spatial qualities, planning, and material usage are maintained, contemporary details and joints bring a minimalist touch. Wood, brass, and thoughtful lighting enrich the space, while local plant species and a traditional pond contribute to the landscape, incorporating rainwater harvesting. The renovation not only preserves but enhances the traditional values, creating a timeless and luxurious living experience.